
Monday, February 11, 2008

Announcements - February 10, '08

Officers – Don’t forget that the officers’ retreat is February 15-16. Mark your calendars brothers.

Prayer Ministry – If you need prayer, our prayer team would love to pray with or over you after the service. You can find them in the corner of the sanctuary next to the cry room.

The nursery now in the Fellowship Hall and has a paging system! The nursery will be able to get in touch with you during the service after you drop off your child, and even let you know remotely what is going on.

Lent is the period of the Church year leading up to Easter wherein we focus upon our need for Christ. It is traditionally a time of repentance, prayer and fasting.

The people of God are heirs of glory, co-heirs with Christ; when he shall appear, they shall appear with him in glory. They are not possessors here, but they are heirs, and are to be looked upon as what they shall be hereafter. Here they are princes going to their crown, hereafter they shall be possessed of it. Here they may be oppressed, banished, disgraced, libelled, hereafter they shall shine as the sun in glory.

The Rev. Jenkins, forenoon sermon, August 17, 1662