
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Announcements - May 11, '08

The Building Formerly Known as the White Building (or “The Olive Office”) is now a private residence. Please respect their privacy and call the church office if you think you need something out of the building.

We are currently at 94% of our budgeted giving. We are $3653 behind in our budget for the year. Our weekly budget is $3289. Last month’s average was $3090. Last week’s offering was $5205.

Paul does not concede his suffering to the hand of Satan but says that God ordained it for the increase of his faith. God knocked the props out from under Paul’s heart so that he would have no choice but to fall on God and receive his hope from the promise of the resurrection. This is the first purpose of missionary suffering: to wean us from the world and set our hope fully in God alone. Since the freedom to love flows from this kind of radical hope, suffering is a primary means of building compassion into the lives of God’s servants.

John Piper, 1993