
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Announcements - 24 Aug '08

Youth Group is cancelled for Aug. 27.

Next Sunday is the Lord’s Supper. Prepare your hearts to come to the Lord’s Table. We invite you to join us in prayer and fasting, though not during Joni and Blake's wedding, of course.

Awana begins Wed., Sep. 3. We need your help! Talk to Cathy A. or Mary C. to help.

Baby shower for Lisa & Jeff R., Fri., Sep. 12 at 7 p.m. at Linda Summer’s house. See below for more info.

Our annual Agape Puppets Outreach is Sep. 13, 6-8 p.m.

All-Highlands Retreat is Oct. 3-5. Sign up by calling the office.

FCA (Middle School) is raising money for Bibles, which are $10. To donate, contact Michelle C.

Teaching assistants & students are needed for our English and Spanish classes (starting soon!). Talk to Heather or Travis.

Mt. Zion Baptist Church is trying to organize a Senior Daycare Program, which will be funded by the State of Georgia. Interested? Call Sharon Kelly at 423-698-2611.

Our weekly budget is $3,289. Last month’s average was $2,624. We are at 95% of budgeted giving for the year ($5,425 behind).

[Blindness] was the sign by which [Paul] was himself converted, and by this he wished to convert this man. And the words “for a season” were spoken by one who seeks not to punish but to convert. For if he had wanted to punish, he would have made him blind forever.

John Chrysostom, c. 400