
Monday, May 11, 2009

10 May 2009

How do we determine God's will? Listen to the sermon from 5/10/09 (currently on sidebar)!

The Women’s Ministry Committee’s “A Tribute to Daughters” tea will be May 16, at 2 p.m. Call Lisa Lewis (the WMC chairwoman) at 423-413-7726 with any questions.

The next New Members Class (one session) is on Tues, May 19, 6-9 pm. Please call the church office to sign up.

The Session meets on Wed, May 20, 6:30-8 pm in the library.

Don’t forget to make plans to come to the Pastor’s Bar-B-Q on Memorial Day, May 25 at 3 pm. The church office is closed on Memorial Day.

The Awana Store is open at the end of May. If you have appropriate toys, DVD’s, CD’s, books, etc., in good condition to donate, please bring them to Cathy Anderson or Mary Corbett.

The text does not say why they were prevented but only that they were prevented. It teaches us that we only have to obey and not to enquire about the reasons.John Chrysostom, c. 390