
Friday, June 12, 2009

14 June 2009

Our new church directories are ready and in the entryway.

We need immediate help with our video ministry during worship. Please leave a message for Dan Hudson at the church office if you can help.

The Youth Group needs a five-passenger (minimum) vehicle which can tow a trailer which they can use for GoldRush from 7/6-10. Also, some of our kids need help with the cost. If you can help provide a scholarship to GoldRush, please leave a message for Dan Hudson at the church office.

Pregnancy Resource Center of Chattooga County is having a Baby Bottle Fundraiser. Please pick up a bottle in the entryway and fill it with your spare change (cash and cheques are welcome too!). Return it to the entryway or hand it to Pastor Steve (Jones).

There is a congregational meeting today at 6:00 p.m. All members please plan to attend. Non-members are welcome.

Please pray for our General Assembly of the PCA, which is meeting in Orlando June 16-19. Ruling Elder Dan Hudson will be representing Highlands at General Assembly.

Isaiah should be called an evangelist rather than a prophet, because he describes all the mysteries of Christ and the church so clearly that one would think he is composing a history of what has already happened rather than prophesying what is to come.
Jerome, d. 420