
Monday, June 1, 2009

31 May 2009

CORRECTION: Did you look up 1 Cor 7:1 and wonder what it had to do with baptism? Good for you for checking! The correct verse is 1 Cor 7:14.

The Deacons are meeting on Tuesday at 6 p.m. (June 2).

The Session (Elders) are meeting on June 9 (Tuesday) at 6:30 p.m.

There is a congregational meeting on June 14 at 6:00 p.m. All members please plan to attend. Non-members are welcome.

Pastor Travis will be on vacation June 15-28.

Please pray for our General Assembly of the PCA, which is meeting in Orlando June 16-19. Ruling Elder Dan Hudson will be representing Highlands at General Assembly.

To become a Christian meant entering into the redeemed community of the Church of Christ, the new Israel. As the initiation of a Gentile into the old religion was by circumcision and proselyte baptism, so the initiation into the new Israel was by Christian baptism. And the new Israel did not ignore the family any more than did the old. Thus to a Jew it would seem the most natural thing in the world that when a man became a Christian, he should have his children baptized as well as himself, just as he had had his sons circumcised in their infancy and just as any proselyte coming into the Jewish community from outside should have his infant sons circumcised and baptized with proselyte baptism as well as himself.
Donald Baillie, 1957