
Monday, February 22, 2010

Announcements for the week of February 21, 2010

Next Sunday we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper together at 5:45 in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring a main dish and a side to share. In preparation for the Lord’s Supper, you are invited to join in a day of fasting and prayer this Friday.

The Jones family will be opening their home for lunch and fellowship between the Sunday morning service and the Lord's Supper service next Sunday.

Steve Corbett was recently interviewed on NPR’s “Talk of the Nation” regarding our responsible interaction with the crisis in Haiti. You can find a link to the recording on the Highlands Church website.

Parents of Junior and Senior Highers – please make plans to attend a Parent Meeting on Wednesday, March 3, 6:45 pm in the Sanctuary.

Women of Highlands – if you are interested in attending a 12-week Sunday School class on John Eldridge’s Waking the Dead, please let Lyn Owen know. Start date TBA.

Would you like to become more involved with our worship service? Pastor Travis is recruiting people to read Scripture at different times during our services. If you are a member of Highlands and would like to help lead God’s people in worship, please talk to Travis. Women and men, young people and older, are all encouraged to take part.

Small Group leaders and hosts: please mark your calendars for a leaders’ huddle in the Fellowship Hall, 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 2nd. For details or questions, see Travis.

A note about church colors: the church seasons are traditionally visually represented in particular colors. The color for Lent is purple, which signifies repentance.