
Monday, June 21, 2010

Announcements for the Week of June 20th

VBS is this week! Please bring your children, your neighbors’ children, any children you know who need to know more about Jesus. And even if you’re not bringing any children, we can still use your help. Please see Mary, Debbie or Angel to see how you can best be a part of this very important ministry.

Debbie Moberly invites anyone interested in the Welcome Ministry as well as current greeters to her house this Sunday, June 27th, for a pitch-in lunch and brainstorming session. Please bring a lunch meat or a side.

This Sunday, June 27, we will celebrate The Lord’s Supper together. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 5:45 p.m. – please bring a main dish and a side or dessert to share.

In preparation for The Lord’s Supper, the Session invites you to join in a day of prayer and fasting. Many of us will fast Thursday at sundown until Friday at sundown. You can learn more about spiritual fasting in the sidebar to the right.

Steve and Sarah Jones invite everyone to lunch at their farm next Sunday. You are welcome to spend all or part of the afternoon there between the morning and evening services.

Highlands will begin hosting the 16-week Jobs For Life program in August. There are many opportunities for you to be involved - prayer, hospitality, community contacts, general administration, mentoring, and teaching. Watch for more details on the Highlands blog, and contact Eric Self regarding ways you can help.

There are no Sunday School classes meeting for the month of June.