Our office voice mail has been down for a couple of days. Some of you may have been able to leave messages; we have not been able to retrieve any messages since Monday, May 9th. Our apologies! We have been working with Windstream to remedy the situation and expect voicemail to be restored sometime on Friday, May 13th. If you left a message that we have not responded to, we probably did not receive it and will not be able to receive it even when the system is back up and running, so you will need to contact us again.
Until then, please call us during office hours (1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., M-Th, and 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Friday.) If you need to leave a message outside those hours, email is the best way to contact us - Thank you for your patience, and again, we apologize for the malfunction.
You may also notice that our blog has a new look! We now have links to important information and forms – such as facilities request forms, session dockets, and much more – in a new, tabbed format. The site should be pretty self-explanatory, but if you’re searching for something you can’t find, please shoot an email to .
...please note that the blog isn’t finished yet and there will be a few weeks of construction and editing yet to come.