
Monday, October 3, 2011

Q&A about the All-Highlands Retreat

When is the Retreat?

  • Soon! Friday, November 4th, through Sunday, November 6th.
Where is the Retreat?
  • At Camp Vesper Point in Soddy Daisy, TN - just a little over an hour away from Highlands.

Wait - you said Sunday? Are we having church services there?
  • Yes! Since we want and expect everyone that can to attend the Retreat, we have our usual Sunday Morning worship service out at the camp. There will be no services held at our LaFayette campus on Sunday, Nov. 6th - but those who aren't able to make it to the rest of the retreat are warmly encouraged to join us on Sunday morning at Camp Vesper Point!

What will the Retreat be like?

  • Several sessions of praise & worship and spiritual teaching
  • Lots of time to play games, talk over coffee, and relax together with your brothers and sisters
  • A couple of fun surprise events
What are the accommodations like?
  • Everyone stays in family cabins with individual bunks to hold up to 10-12 people. Most cabins will have two to three families/couples sharing the cabin. There will also be a guys' cabin for some of our single men and a ladies' cabin for some of our single women (although singles may stay with a family if they'd like.) Cabin assignments will be posted the week of the retreat.
  • Each cabin has a full bathroom with a door, so sharing a cabin is a lot like staying over at someone's house - the bathroom does have to be shared with the others in your cabin!
  • The cabins are weatherized and have heat and are within easy walking distance of the main meeting building where we eat and have our group activities.
What do I need to bring?
  • Yourself and your family.
  • Your Bible.
  • Warm clothes and bedding to use on your bunks.
  • Personal toiletries, towels, etc.
How much is the Retreat?
  • Cost is on a sliding scale for family size and the price includes accommodations and all meals Friday evening through Sunday lunch.

    All-Highlands Retreat Cost Chart

    $55 - 1 person
    $100 – 2 people (married couple or parent/child)
    $135 – 3-person family
    $170 – 4-person family
    $195 – 5-person family

    $25 each additional family member after 5

    Children 4 and under are free.

    A “family” must be blood or legally related and operating as one household (and make one payment all together.) Sorry, roommates don’t count.

    A deposit of at least $10/person must be made to sign up and full amount must be paid by October 16th. If paid after Oct. 16th, add $5/person to your total.

    If you will need help coming up with the full amount, please call the church during office hours before October 16th.

    Any more questions? Call the church office - (706) 638.8940. We hope to see you at the All-Highlands Retreat!