
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Announcements - January 6, '08

If you are planning on taking the Spanish or ESL class, please make sure that you have signed up by letting Travis or Heather know (Spanish) or Israel (ESL) and paying your class fee (ESL $15, SSL $30).

Next Sunday we move into our new sanctuary! Praise the Lord for his faithfulness.

The Christmas season ends today with Epiphany. “Epiphany” means “appearing,” and the celebration of Epiphany centers upon the appearing of the Gospel to the Gentiles, which was first marked with the appearance of the magi to worship the infant Jesus.

Because death made its entrance through a woman, it was fitting that life return through a woman. The one, seduced by the devil through the serpent, brought a man the taste of death. The other, instructed by God through the angel, produced for the world the Author of salvation.

The Venerable Bede, d. 735