
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Announcements - December 30, '07

If you are planning on taking the Spanish or ESL class, please make sure that you have signed up by letting Travis or Heather know (Spanish) or Israel (ESL) and paying your class fee (ESL $15, SSL $30).

Giving Announcement: All gifts must be DATED and RECEIVED in the office or offering plate by Dec. 31 to be placed on this year’s giving statement.

The Lord’s Supper is tonight at 5:45 p.m. Please bring a main dish and a side dish. No peanuts or tree nuts please.

January 13 is our first service in the new sanctuary.

Don’t forget that Christmas only begins on Dec. 25. It ends on January 6, Epiphany. Take time to continue to celebrate Jesus, ponder the wonder of the Incarnation, and bask in the love of God with others.

John is born when the daylight begins to diminish and the night begins to grow longer. Christ is born when the night begins to be curtailed and the day begins to increase.

Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (AD 430)