
Monday, March 17, 2008

Announcements - March 16, '08

Our prayer team is available to pray with you after the service in the corner of the sanctuary next to the cry room.

Communion this month is on Good Friday, Mar. 21, at 7:00 pm. There is no meal at this service.

Everyone is invited to Linda Summer’s house after the Easter Service for a lunch and our annual cascarones tradition. Eggs on head...very spiritual (and fun!)

Tues, Mar. 25, 6-8 pm, is Small Group Leaders Training. All leaders, hosts and those interested in leader or hosting a small group please plan to attend.

Highlands has sexual purity groups for men and women. Contact Pastor Travis, or Heather.

We are currently at 86% of our budgeted giving. We are $4606 behind in our budget for the year. Our weekly budget is $3289. Last month’s average was $2669. Last week’s offering was $5758.