
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Announcements - Apr 06, '08

New Members class is April 22, 6-9 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please call the church office to register.

Apr 24-25 we will be having a father-son campout. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details.

We are currently at 89% of our budgeted giving. We are $4766 behind in our budget for the year. Our weekly budget is $3289. Last month’s average was $3763. Last week’s offering was $5071.

If you lose your convictions, and return again to a way of allowed sinning, there will be less probability of your salvation, than there was before you had any convictions. Backsliding is a very dangerous and pernicious thing to men’s souls, and is often spoken of as such in God’s word; which was signified in that awful dispensation of God turning Lot’s wife into a pillar of salt, to be a standing emblem of the danger of looking back after one has set out in a way of religion.

Jonathan Edwards, c. 1735