
Monday, June 16, 2008

Announcements - June 15, '08

We are having a congregational meeting next Sunday, June 22, at 6:00 p.m. Members are expected, non-members are welcome.

The Session meets this coming Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.

REMEMBER! RUN THE RACE! Vacation Bible School is July 21-25 from 6:00-8:30 p.m. Save the date for decorating, July 19. Please sign up with Mary Corbett.

We are updating our birthday calendar. Please check the birthday insert in the bulletin. If you see an incorrect birthday, please call the church office or give the corrected list to Katherine.

We are currently at 94% of our budgeted giving. We are $4846 behind in our budget for the year. Our weekly budget is $3289. Last month’s average was $3488.

Tongues were a sign not because they were expected, required, or usual, but precisely because they were unexpected, unrequired, and unusual – resembled only by Pentecost – convincing even the most hard-necked that God wanted the Gentiles as well as the Jews among his people.

Frederick Dale Bruner, 1970