
Monday, June 23, 2008

Announcements - June 22, '08

Please join us for refreshments in the fellowship hall after the service.

We are having a congregational meeting tonight at 6:00 p.m. Non-members are welcome to attend.

Are you a woman who struggles with sexual integrity? Highlands has an opportunity for you to get support and help. Contact Heather through the church office.

REMEMBER! RUN THE RACE! Vacation Bible School is July 21-25 from 6:00-8:30 p.m. Save the date for decorating, July 19. Please sign up with Mary.

You can share the Gospel by helping people learn English. We’re signing up teachers/helpers for ESL in the fall. No experience necessary. Contact Heather through the church office.

There will be a bridal shower for Joni on Saturday, July 26 at 7 p.m. Mark your calendar. Details to come.

We are currently at 93% of our budgeted giving. Our weekly budget is $3289. Last month’s average was $3488.

These are they who get the notion into their minds, that it is impossible for all believers to be so very holy and very spiritual! The allow that eminent holiness is a beautiful thing. They like to read about it in books. And even to see it occasionally in others. But they do not think that all are meant to aim at so high a standard. At any rate, they seem to make up their minds it is beyond their reach.

Bishop J. C. Ryle, 1879