
Monday, March 9, 2009

March 9, 2009

"The pig thinks the farmer is there for him"

The LaFayette Small Group is now meeting in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday evenings. Talk to Pavel Chiva for more information.

Prayer Intercessors are available to pray for you after the service next to the cry room.

Thank you to all who attended our congregational meeting and made nominations for church officers. The elders will be talking to the people who received substantial nominations to determine their willingness to serve. Those men who have not already received training will do so and then will enter a discernment process. Those to whom the Lord confirms his call (both in their hearts and in the judgment of others) will be presented to the congregation for approval. This is not a quick process, but this is a weighty matter!

We are having Mercy Ministry Training on Sat., Mar. 28, 9-noon. Everyone interested in Mercy Ministry is invited to sign up with Pastor Travis by calling the church office at 706-638-8940.

If anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord resists the Lord’s commands by living perversely, it is evident that the good that the tongue has spoken has not been brought out of the good treasure in his heart. It was not the root of a fig tree but that of a thorn bush that produced the fruit of such a confession – a conscience, that is, bristling with vices, and not one filed with the sweetness of the love of the Lord.
The Venerable Bede, c. 672