
Sunday, March 1, 2009

01 March 2009

The LaFayette Small Group is now meeting in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday evenings. Talk to Pavel Chiva for more information.

The Deacons are meeting on Mar. 3, at 6:30 p.m., in Travis’ office.

We have a congregational meeting on Mar. 8, directly after the worship service. All members, please plan on attending. At the service we will give a year-end report on 2008 finances and take nominations for elders and deacons. Please read this document before nominating officers.

The coming of Jesus has introduced into history an event in which the reign of God is made known under the form of weakness and foolishness to those to whom God has chosen to make it known, and that it is made known to them so it may be proclaimed to all. Because it is the reign of God that is proclaimed, it is the true secret of universal and cosmic history. It is not a program for private deliverance but is the hidden reality by which the public history of humankind is to be understood.

Lessie Newbigin, 1995